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New Information on  Our Fall 2024 Convention Show

Well dog gone it!  

Things simply didn’t work out with the Birmingham Botanical Gardens for our 2024 show in spite of all of Michael’s efforts.  The contract the Gardens’ staff finally provided was incomplete, and they haven’t reworked it.   They advised Michael that they’ve had an employee shortage and have also made new rules for Garden events.  Due to the Gardens’ slowness in even providing us a date, many of our faithful convention attendees have wound up with other obligations for the week we were given.  That includes Kathy Spissman, one of our two vendors.  That’s understandable as we had tried and were hoping to obtain a September date.

Because so many are unable to attend, the time is short, and the contract has not been worked out, the Dixie officers have all agreed unanimously that rescheduling this show to next fall is our only choice.  We’re sorry this year’s show has turned out to be so iffy.  It’s certainly not Michael or Robbie’s fault. 

In the meantime, Michael was able to obtain a September date for our 2025 show.  More information about that will be coming out so we can all plan around it.  Our schedule was approved, and we’ll adapt it for next year’s show. 

Best wishes for fall even if we don’t get to enjoy a fun get-together this year.

Betty Ferguson 
Dixie President

Results for our October 2023 DAVS Convention Show

Best in Show, Best Variegate, and Best Semiminiature Eternal Orbit Shown by Wayne Geeslin

 Best Design In Show and Best Dish Garden Created by Phillis Hinkle

See more pictures on our Convention Page  Also, you are invited to ready Becky's observations from the November 2023 Dixie News about this very successful convention and show.

Dixie African Violet Society

This is the official WEB site of the Dixie African Violet Society (DAVS), a nonprofit organization, founded in 1956 to afford an association of persons with similar interest in African violets within an area not too vast for occasional meeting - - JOIN US!

There are thirteen states included in DAVS: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Groups primarily concerned with growing and showing African violets in these states can become affiliate members of DAVS; however, individual membership is open to all persons world wide.

DAVS Registered Variety List

The May 9, 2024, Numbers 1 -1916, Registered Variety List is available as a PDF Document  and includes all new varieties up to Number 1916.  If your African violet is registered with Dixie, it can compete in the DAVS Collection Class at Affiliate Shows. Something really worthwhile.  Collection Class Rosettes are available to all African violet clubs that are Affiliate members of Dixie.

DAVS Bylaws & Standing Rules
Our Bylaws & Standing Rules as amended on November 29, 2022, are available here

Membership includes subscription to the quarterly publication, The Dixie News, the opportunity to enter DAVS Collections classes at local DAVS affiliate shows, and the opportunity to attend a yearly convention. DAVS is affiliated with the African Violet Society of America, Inc.

View selected articles from The Dixie News, and decide for yourself!

Check our list of former DAVS Presidents to see if you know any of them.  We suggest new growers of African violets and Other Gesneriads, review our growing instructions representing the best procedures used by our members.  Additionally, we have provided information on Jiffy Watering Systems, The Importance of pH on Growing African violets and Other Gesneriads; and information on How to Build a Plant Stand for your plants.

If you are new to African violets, you can learn a great deal about them from our articles in the Other Articles of Interest section on the far left of this page.

African Violet and Gesneriad World Today Almanac

After two years of effort, Vladimir Kalgin's African Violet and Gesneriad World Today Almanac has finally arrived. It is in Russian and English. It is a 516 page complete compendium of the African Violet World in 2022! Everywhere on Earth!!

Included are articles about Russian and Ukrainian hybridizers and activities, as well as what’s going on in Australia, South Africa; and North America with US and Canadian African Violet Societies, Judging Councils, and Clubs. The History of MAAVS is also included.  View it here on our web site at African Violet and Gesneriad World Today Almanac  It is a large file worth waiting for.

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This page last updated on Tuesday, September 03, 2024